Export International Award: Gaston Mercier Saddlery Recognized for Its Expertise

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On December 5, 2024, during the 13th edition of Aveyron Champions, organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) of Aveyron at the Athyrium in Onet-Le-Château, Gaston Mercier Saddlery was awarded the prestigious Export International Award. This honor highlights the excellence of a company that brings French craftsmanship to the global stage.

A Family and Visionary Adventure

Founded 60 years ago by Gaston Mercier, the saddlery originated from a specific observation and need:

“Our company was born about sixty years ago. To provide more comfort for the horse and unable to find a saddle suited for these performances, Gaston created his own saddle,” explains Manuel Mercier, now leading this family adventure.

Proximity: The Key to Success

Despite its global reach, the saddlery remains deeply rooted in its territory and loyal to its values. Manuel Mercier shares:

“Just this morning, a Spanish customer came by. Most of our clients come to us through word of mouth—a rider sees another rider using one of our saddles…”

Manuel et Gaston Mercier, Françoise et Laurent, comptables, Sandra, responsable humaine et Layne, assistante de communication. 


The award was presented by Média12, which praised the company’s unique blend of tradition and innovation:

“I am delighted to present this award to what can be described as the genius of Gaston Mercier. What is remarkable is how they maintain traditional know-how while breaking the rules, notably by repositioning the saddle on the horse’s 13th dorsal lumbar vertebra."

 "In a field like equestrianism, which has many rules, they manage to break them respectfully while preserving traditional methods.”

Looking Toward the Future

Manuel Mercier took this opportunity to share the company’s future projects:

“We are working on the patent for a saddle that is even more adjustable to the horse. We aim to strengthen our presence in the United Arab Emirates, develop our saddle museum, and organize a saddle presentation with our partners.”

Dive into the behind-the-scenes world of our family business, where tradition, innovation, and teamwork come together to create high-quality saddles for riders around the globe. A true human and professional adventure driven by men and women who showcase Aveyron craftsmanship on an international stage.

We warmly thank the CCI of Aveyron for this recognition and award. Photos and video: CCI AVEYRON / Millau Communication.