Saddle loan form for a home test

With these informations, we will be able to select a saddle to the "Just Measure", adapted to your size and that of your horse.

Loan conditions for a Gaston Mercier saddle for a home test.

  • Offer valid only in metropolitan France.
  • The duration of the loan is limited to 10 days upon receipt of the saddle. Beyond that, you will be charged a rental pro rata overtime.
  • We take care of the shipping costs, you bear the cost of return.
  • Send us a check or credit card (not cashed) of the loan amount (saddle and equipment).

Personal informations

What model of saddle would you like to try?

Rider Informations

Pour le réglage des quartiers

Pour la taille du siège

Pour choisir les étriers

Informations about your horse



Measure in centimeters the height of your horse at the garrot.




Measure in centimeters the bust of your horse from the base of the withers and following the passage of the strap.

Pictures of your horse

Photo 1 - Prise de mesure de votre cheval

Photo 2 - Prise de mesure de votre cheval

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